The Process
There is prayer at or near the beginning and end with other activities in the middle, so it has been likened to a sandwich.
Meetings unfold along the following lines.
- Firstly there is a period of hospitality and fellowship (that build relationships)
- There is an opening period of prayer. Resources are available but it renews our contact with the Gospel Proclamation of Jesus, and the grace it brings.
- In the middle (the sandwich filling), there are various options. All are essential over time though not all need be done each night, or in the same proportions each time. These are:
- Sharing of experience / testimonies about faith and evangelistic work, and reflection upon them.
- Teaching on matters related to evangelisation and training in how to do it.
- Practical planning of outreach activities including reflection and feedback on them.
These are put together in an “evangelistic spiral” by which the group over time shares its experiences of faith and especially of evangelisation, identifies needs, addresses them in teaching and training, and then applies them in individual and collective work, reviews them and identifies further needs and so the spiral continues…
- There is a period of intercession for evangelistic work, & possibly a period of prayer for each other,
- A short commissioning and blessing service by which we are sent out again to witness to Jesus.